
Tuesday 27 August 2019

Technology Wood

Step 1 I used a piece of wood,a pencil and a steel ruler to make a full size
working drawing of my Box because it will show proof that it can be made and
that I can make too. Step 2 I also used a Tri-square to copy the measurements
from my drawing onto the wood that I’m using. Step 3 I marked a square line at
90 degrees across the wood to make it straight. Step 4 I cut off the first piece of
wood carefully using a Backed saw and a Bench hook. Step 5 I then marked
out the joint using a Tri-Square to check if it was straight.Step 6 I used a
Backed saw again to cut the line and stopped in the middle of the side of my
wood.Step 9 after I cut it,I used a Wood Chisel to make a joint on both of my
wood.Step 10 I got two spare of flat wood to make the sides of my box.Step 11
I glued all the pieces together and used rubber bands to tighten it,now I have
to wait for 30 minutes.Step 12 after 30 minutes my box dried up and now I am
getting a lid for my box.Step 13 I finished.


For my project I have created turned out to be very good,and I am actually
proud of myself for finishing it on time,than taking my time.Before I made my
Box I also had other ideas that I couldn’t have done. The ideas that I would’ve
done was a truck,jewellery tree, helicopter, bus,skateboard,ship,and a pencil
holder.But I made my decision and made a Box.I actually thought making a
Box was going to be easy but turned out to be hard.The working drawing of
my Box started of with a joint,then draw a box using a pencil and ruler to know
when I am going to stop measuring.The height of my woods was both 160
centimetres,and also the bottom wood.The marking out of my Box was very
important,I am very nervous that my teacher going to say that had mistakes
but it was actually OK.When I used a backed saw I was very nervous and
scared that thought I was going to cut my hand.The chiselling was kind of
scary too, because I thought I was going to chisel the wrong part of my wood.
After that I put all my pieces together.I looked at what I have done and checked
if it worked probably,and stayed together.If I had to make another box than this
one right now it would look better. 

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