
Friday 3 May 2019

Geometry Maths Introduction

WALT: Use and Understand Geometry terms to solve our MathsTask Discription: Geometry is about Maths and about Transformation,Symmetry,Translated,Reflection,and Rotation.Translation and Translated is very simmlar to eachother,they both move.Translation and Translated is about moving the number to a direction,example 5 up 2 left that means you have to move the number 5 times up and 2 times left.Symmetry and Reflection is also very similar too.Symmetry is about splitting it and Reflection is about is a reflection of it,example split the square in to half and make sure it is the same shape as the other half like a Reflection.Last one is Rotation.Rotation is about rotating the shape,example rotate the shape anticlockwise 2 times then you rotate the shape see where it is.Thank you for reading.

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